dinsdag 30 april 2013

Eerbetoon aan Jahweh en Jeshua.

Eerbetoon aan Jahweh en Jeshua.

Meer heerlijke muziek van Anna Maria kunt u vinden op haar website

I receive your voice,
You tell me YAH (Poetic contraction of YEHOVAH, the personal of the Elohim of Israel, The Creator)
“Listen and obey!”
And you tell me YAH:
“Listen and obey!
Do not add anything
Or take away from it”
My own times and mo’edim, (appointed times, biblical feasts)
Take care my child to listen and obey.
And that your own child
Listens and obeys
For they’re foreshadows
Of good things to come.
For I’m Abba
Father, YEHOVAH (1 see note below) your Elohim.
The only true your Elohim
On Shabbat (the 7th day of the week, from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday) you rest,
The month of the aviv (agricultural term that refers to the maturity of the barley) new year
remember my PESACH, (Passover)
Hag Ha Matzot, (Feast of Unleaven Bread)
BEKKURIM (Feast of First Fruit),
then SHAVUOT (Feast of Weeks, Pentecost),
in 7 weeks and one day.
These are Spring Feasts my child,
My own times my child.
In the fall again,
YOM TERUAH (Feast of Trumpets) you are to celebrate,
and atonement on YOM KIPPUR (Feast of Atonement),
and in a sukka (temporary shelter/booth)
you are to live on SUKKOT (Feast of Tabernacles).
For I’m Abba…
Father, YEHOVAH your Elohim.
The only true your Elohim (Title for the Almighty, poorly translated as God, which is a term of pagan origin)
I believe in Yeshua (2 see note below) HaMashiach’s (the Messiah) Name
I, I believe, in the Name of the Lord Yeshua.
In the Name of the Lord Yeshua.
Son of Man, and beloved Son of YAH!
(Poetic contraction of YEHOVAH, the personal of the Elohim of Isra’el, The Creator)
Son of Man, and beloved Son of YAH!
I obey and believe, out of faith, love, and trust, I believe!
Not a yod (smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet)
Yeshua changed,
Torah (Instruction, the Commandments, also translated as Law) and Prophets
Stand until the end of time.
He completed the Spring Feasts of YEHOVAH
With His life and death and rising from the dead.
HaMashiach will return,
Shaliach (the Sent One) of YAH the judge and king,
To fulfill at last the Fall Feasts of YEHOVAH.
Take care to heed beloved, be prepared beloved
For I’m Abba…
Father, YEHOVAH your Elohim.
The only true your Elohim
Father, YEHOVAH your Elohim.
The only true your Elohim
I believe in Yeshua HaMashiach’s Name
I, I believe, in the Name of the Lord Yeshua.
In the Name of the Lord Yeshua.
Son of Man, and beloved Son of YAH!
Son of Man, and beloved Son of YAH!
Son of Man, and beloved Son of YAH!
Son of Man, and beloved Son of YAH!
I obey and believe, out of faith, love, and trust, I believe!
Whoever has ears, let him ear!

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